Creations & Conversations

Media Moments

My world of storytelling across various platforms—interviews, lectures, media appearances, and more.

Event information

Miyaki Town 20th Amalgamation Anniversary Ceremony

Lecturer: Hisami Shirahama

Topic:        Era of Harmony from Miyaki Town to the World

Location:   Community center, Cosmos, at Miyaki-cho

Date:       Feb 23. 2025

Now available in Japanese

"Kagayaku Moyamoya"

Where did we really come from…? Who are we, really?

I’ve woven into a story the answers I found to these questions that lived in my heart, the truths I discovered along the way. I’ve created many interactive elements so that both young children and adults can enjoy the experience through various senses – through pictures, words, sounds, and colors.

Author:        Hisami Shirahama

Picture:       ai sayama

Publisher:  Bungei-sha

Price:        1,200 yen

What readers say about the book


I capture moments that touch my heart. I also share my personal thoughts and messages for everyone.

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