No matter where you were born,
how you were raised,
or what circumstances you are in now,
you are precious.
You may think of yourself as ignorant,
but remember this—
the lessons you need to learn
will come to you at the right time.
When they do, that is when you will learn them.
There’s no need to rush.
Trust in your own timing.
You may want to meet the expectations
of those you love.
But remember—
always place your faith in the dreams within your own heart.
You are here to bring them to life.
You don’t have to become someone else.
If your heart is weighed down by lingering emotions,
try loosening your grip and letting them go.
Because those choices—
the ones you made back then—
were the best ones you could have made at the time.
They were perfect in their own way.
What matters now is how you use them to move forward.
Even if others speak ill of you,
no one can truly wound you—
not unless you choose to believe their words.
No matter what is said,
you are strong, you are beautiful.
You are so much greater than you realize.
When you see someone struggling,
don’t pity them—
see their strength instead.
See their courage.
That is how you can truly support them.
If you ever feel alone,
step outside.
We did not choose this society—
we chose this beautiful Earth.
Our differences are what allow us to learn from one another.
That’s why they are something to celebrate.
There is a place for everyone.
To those who look different, think differently,
or live in ways unlike your own—
offer them a simple gift: “I see you. And I honor you.”
Let’s celebrate all 8.1 billion ways of being.
So now, let’s embody love.
Through our hearts, our words,
our expressions, our hands and feet.
Let love flow through everything we do.
For all things come full circle.
And the world you experience—
is one of brilliance, peace,
harmony, and joy.